Stuffed French Toast Casserole
This is a photo I took of one of the Christmas Breakfast dishes I make. It is a family favorite that I absolutely MUST prepare each year, at least according to my DH, DS and SIL! We women like it too, but the men practically fight over getting their fair share. It is appropriate to post today because it represents one of my art goals for 2008. Speaking of goals, I've finally fine-tuned my list. This year, I am wiser and remembered to work on ALL my goal lists at the same time so I wouldn't get carried away in just one area of my life. I prefer goals over resolutions, resolutions always seemed to set me up for failure. Or rather, I set MYSELF up for failure. The pastor of my church has a saying (and I don't remember who the original author of this is) and it is "he who aims at nothing hits it every time." That really sums up goal setting for me!
Here's my 2008 Art Goal List:
1 - Set up a Food Blog that will be illustrated with sketches/paintings/photos. Publish the blog for Christmas gift giving. If I don't have it complete for Christmas 2008, then I'll shoot for Christmas 2009. For years now I've had family and friends urging me to write a cookbook. Ronell's
http://myfrenchkitchen.wordpress.com/ is my inspiration to do this cookbook in a blog format. Thanks, Ronell!!
2 - Continue participating in the "painting a week" group that was started off of Kate Johnson's alumni group.
3 - Continue working through art books, dvds, and online classes.
4 - Get out and do more plein aire.
That's it!!
Happy New Year to each and every one of you! Here's wishing us all a very blessed 2008!!!