Pike Exercise 10
John Pike called this "Venice, Mother and Chicks." This is one exercise that I almost gave up on several times. I'd wait a while, look at it and then add a few strokes here and there. It's not my favorite, however I did learn from it. The sketch is much looser than I usually do, which made it difficult for me. The steps and techniques for painting the building were new to me and I did enjoy them. I think I'm getting better at portraying water and the reflections and I'm not as fearful of loose sketches of figures. Several pigment mixes were used, primarily Pike's favorite French UM and Burnt Sienna and French UM and Burnt Umber - both in varying ratios to get the different values. I'm really getting comfortable with mixes! Also, I'm sticking with using flat brushes and am getting more confident with those.
Brenda, I enjoyed seeing your watercolor studies and read about your struggle and triumph. I am impressed on how you can be discipline enough to follow through each lesson ... and now you are on lesson #10! :)
*The water reflection is excellent. It shimmers.
NICE JOB, Brenda!!! I agree -- so much learning takes place when our paintings are a struggle -- though it's hard to get through all that! Your steadfastness in the process is admirable!!! And your work is growing so much from it! BRAVA, me lady!
This one is really cool, Brenda! I really like it! The diagonals are really dramatic, and nice handling of the watercolors! Great job!
It seems you took on a whole lot of "new things to master" in this painting and I see a whole lot of successes written all over it. I totally understand your feeling of wanting to throw in the towel...luckily there is some "urge" inside that keeps us going for another stroke.
Well done, I like this one very much, especially the combination of colors.
I admire your determination and persistance. But it's paying off for you. You're just getting better and better. This is terrific!
I love the impressionist of it all and love the colors. I know what you mean about the learning process..it is worth a ton of words.
Hi! This is really nice! I love the angled light and shadows, very cool. :)
Very nice, Brenda!
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