Well. . . ANOTHER lesson learned! I had visions of a clean, crisp metal gate with wonderful golden rolling hills behind it. I very mistakenly thought my Sepia Pentel Brush Pen was waterproof. . . thought I'd checked it out months ago when I purchased it. The first step I took was to use this brush pen on the metal gate, after all it would make it so much easier to paint the rolling hills in the background if I could just paint right over that gate - LOL! As we can all see, as soon as I started painting that sky, I had BLEED!! Rather than trash this little scene, I decided to continue painting it anyway and to just chalk it up as another lesson learned. So here it is!!
It's a learning curve all the time, but even with the bleeding, your gate still looks good. I like the stark lines against the lighter, softer rolling hills at the back
I so agree with Ronell -- I LOVE the colors and the lines of it -- keep going, Bren -- the gate series is terrific!
We all experience these learning curves. You learn and move on and if you are like me, I keep making mistakes and keep on moving :) Sometimes the mistakes result in something special.
Like Ronell, I like the contrast.
If you hadn't said anything I'm not sure I would have noticed! I've done exactly the same thing many times. I actually like the way my pilot pen bleeds a little for quick sketches. I would say that overall, this one is pretty successful!
The bleeding did not exactly hurt your painting. Looks OK. Sometimes accidents turn into positives. I try not to have accidents but a lot of my bleeding techniques are done on purpose. Do not be afraid of it.
I love your gate series. The bleeding can be a good thing when you want it to do that. Sorry it wasn't what you planned in this case. I did have to look a bit to find the "problem".
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